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Curso WUP Atencion sanitaria y emergencias

This course provides the necessary language to converse fluently in English about the different systems in the healthcare field, and in the primary care of a patient.
Starting with a comprehensive review of the human body, internal organs and common emergency situations, the course also presents the learner with the necessary grammatical structures to apply the language independently. The end of unit tests check comprehension and retention of the material covered.
The course progresses to focus on the usual content of an ambulance, the people who work in the emergency services and the way emergency services are administered. There is also a more personalised look at the working life of a paramedic and an emergency dispatcher with comprehension exercises throughout.
By the end of the course learners will have seen the vocabulary and structures necessary to deal with typical emergencies, patient care, cuts, burns, spinal injuries and more.

50 horas

Tiempo de acceso

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1 mes

Inicio: 23-11-2024
Fin: 23-12-2024
Precio: 100.00€

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