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Curso WUP Módulos: Atención al cliente PYMES

This course covers the fundamental aspects of running a small business. The learner sees the essential language to deal with customers and administration and completes exercises and end-of-unit tests to check comprehension.
From talking about large numbers to invoicing and dealing with customer complaints, the course is comprised of a range of exercise types and topics to present the new vocabulary and structures. The grammar covered includes relative pronouns, indirect questions and the past simple - which is a good example of how the learner is encouraged to practise correct pronunciation and rhythm through repetition and modelling.
By the end of the course, the learner will have seen and practised the appropriate skills and language needed to welcome, receive and say goodbye to clients, deal with various common customer-care situations and interpret the information conveyed in face-to-face interaction with clients.
The course also gives examples of formal and informal language, ways to talk about money, types of shops, prepositions of place and ways to greet people from different cultures.

30 horas

Tiempo de acceso

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1 mes

Inicio: 23-11-2024
Fin: 23-12-2024
Precio: 100.00€

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