Comprar curso de idiomas online

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Curso WUP Módulos: Seguros COCHES, SALUD, VIDA, VIAJES...

The course content remains functional and focused entirely on improving learner independence in the area of insurance, expressing oneself and responding to questions. The learner will practice visual recognition and written skills of vocabulary through frequent and repeated word-picture association exercises from beginner to intermediate to more advanced terms.
The variety of exercises not only caters for different learner styles but also guarantees thorough coverage of the topics covered. The course also comprises of a series of interactive exercises such as listening comprehension with realistic dialogues, freeform speaking exercises and Writing and Speaking labs in which tutors provide feedback.

23 horas

Tiempo de acceso

¿Cuánto tiempo necesitas para realizar el curso? Elige entre las opciones disponibles según el curso o plan.

1 mes

Inicio: 23-11-2024
Fin: 23-12-2024
Precio: 150.00€

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