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Curso WUP Módulos: Industria del Automóvil

During this course the learner will acquire the necessary language skills and vocabulary to successfully understand oral and written messages of an intermediate complexity in English used in the car industry. This course provides opportunities for the learner to respond professionally to the language used in familiar situations. The learner will be exposed to different situations that occur in the car industry, such as; interacting with car salespeople, automotive repairs in a mechanic shop, as well as the design and construction of a car. The learner will have many opportunities to respond professionally with the correct vocabulary in these situations. The learner will also participate in dialogues, responding in both written and spoken form, that will build their confidence in using their newly formed knowledge. The course content is functional and focused entirely on improving learner independence in the automobile field. The use of a variety of exercises encompasses different learner styles as well as guaranteeing thorough coverage of the topics.

23 horas

Tiempo de acceso

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1 mes

Inicio: 23-11-2024
Fin: 23-12-2024
Precio: 100.00€

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